If you need a webcam to complete online assignments or for use during a proctored exam, you can use iVCam as a way to turn your iPhone or iPad into a high definition webcam for use on a Windows PC.
How to download the application
- On the Apple iPad or iPhone go to the App Store on the Apple iPad and download the “iVcam WebCam”

- On your PC go to the iVCam webpage and download the Windows Client Software:
- Find the .exe file and open.
- Click YES, when the program asks for authorization to make changes on your computer.
- Follow the remaining steps to complete the installation on your PC.
Note: the Desktop shortcut IS recommened, “Open upon Startup” is not.
- Open the iVCam app on your phone and give the app permission to access your camera and microphone.
- When you open the iVCam software on your PC you should see your phone camera functioning as a webcam within the iVCam window on your computer.