Interactive Fluent


Fluent is a fluid simulation software. There are multiple methods of using Fluent interactively. Click here to read more.


How to run Fluent interactively

There are multiple ways of running Fluent interactively, including OnDemand and SSH

For OnDemand (   
There are two ways to use Fluent through ondemand:
1: Desktop Session:

  1. Sign in 
  2. Select the tab “Interactive Apps”, then “KoKo 3 desktop”
  3. Enter your parameters and click launch
  4. Once a node is allocated launch koko 3 desktop
  5. Open a terminal and type: module load ansys/2019R3_Fluent
  6. Type: runwb2

2: Interactive App:

  1. Sign in 
  2. Select the tab “Interactive Apps”, then "ANSYS Workbench"
  3. Change the version to 2019R3 Fluent
  4. Enter your parameters and click launch
  5. Once a node is allocated launch ANSYS Workbench 

For SSH:

type the following commands: 

  1. ssh -X (you will have to change netid to your fau netid)
  2. type: ssh localhost -Y
  3. type: salloc -c 64 -p longq7 –x11 –exclusive
    # 64 cpu cores for 7 days with x11 and make sure I am the only one on the node
    Notice the output
    salloc:Granted job allocation ###### (some job id)
    salloc:Waiting for resource configuration
    salloc: Nodes nodeamd009 (note this name, yours maybe different) some node name are ready for the job
  4. ssh -X nodeamd009 (use your node name seen in the output )
  5. module load ansys/2019R3_Fluent
  6. Type: runwb2



Article ID: 141489
Tue 8/30/22 8:47 AM
Wed 5/3/23 3:59 PM