If you want to share a Google doc with another person but only want to provide view-only permissions, please follow the instructions below.
Reminder: You can only change permissions of a doc that you are an owner of.
- Open Google doc and click in top right-hand corner
- Select Advanced at the bottom right-hand corner of the box > Type in the email address of the person you are trying to share the doc with
- Click and select 'Can View' from the drop-down menu. The icon should change to
- Select the following options if you do not want users to edit, download, print, or copy the material:
- Select Send
- If you would like to set an expiration on the doc hover your cursor to the left of the eye icon until the icon appears > Select the preferred expiration then save changes.
The Google doc should now be shared with the specified person as view-only access. You can edit the permissions at any time by going back to the option. You must select advanced to change the permissions.