Tips for Online Learning


Here are tips to help you be successful while learning online.

Communicate often.

  • Reach out to your instructors to find out how and when your classes will be held. 
  • Check Canvas often for updates. Instructors are encouraged to use Canvas to keep you informed. Your instructors will contact you with information regarding scheduled tests and exams.
  • Contact the Help Desk if you have questions about tech tools.
  • If offered, participate in virtual office hours with your advisers and teachers

Stay organized. 

  • Take the time to put together the schedule and expectations for each of your classes next week. Check Canvas for updates to your syllabus.
  • Prioritize your work. What due dates are coming up first? Make a smart decision about how to best spend your time. 

Take care of yourself.

  • Stay healthy by getting adequate rest, nutrition and exercise. Take proactive steps to take care of yourself.
  • Keep a growth mindset as you adapt to new circumstances. Your success has as much to do with your effort as it has to do with your ability.
  • Monitor your self-talk and stay positive.
  • Find resources and tips on physical health, mental health and general well being from the Owls Care Health Promotion.

Manage your environment. 

  • Schedule specific times in your day to dedicate to studying or participating in your online class. 
  • Consider using the "Do Not Disturb" function on your devices or a lockdown browser on your computer when you are trying to manage distraction.
  • Find a space that is comfortable and allows you to focus. This can be your home base for coursework.

Stay engaged. 

  • Communicate regularly with your instructors for updates.
  • Don't forget to call, text and message friends, family and classmates.
  • Take your student organization meetings to WebEx or Microsoft Teams to hold a group chat to stay in touch.

Ask for help. 



Article ID: 102385
Fri 3/20/20 4:41 PM