Activity Document Action: Sending Emails to multiple users

Rule to Create Email List:

Frevvo allows you to use Activity Document Action when your forms are in a flow to send emails to multiple users at once.

In this example, we have a table that asks for the emails of all the members on a team (name of the email column is Email_Ctrl_Name).   We are going to use a text control that will append all the emails into a single string separated by commas (Email_Append). 

We are going to use this control (Email_Append) in the the activity document action settings to determine who Frevvo will email. 

//rule is triggered when the form is submitted.

if( form.unload ){

  var tmp = [];

  for( var i = 0; i < Email_Ctrl_Name.value.length; i++ ) {

    tmp.push( Email_Ctrl_Name.value[i].value );


  //pushes the all the emails to Email_Append textbox and separates them with commas

  Email_Append.value = tmp.join();



*In Frevvo, tables, repeaters, and checkboxes are treated as arrays.


Activity Document Action:

  1. In the flow, click on the section that you wish to implement the Email task to.

  2. At the bottom of the properties window click on Activity Document Actions.

  3. Check:  Email data to a specific address and click Configure

  4. Click on the dropdown next to the blank box in the To: line and select the name of your control that is appending all the emails into one string (Email_Append)

  5. Click next and customize what you want the subject and message to say, you can use other control names in form to directly pull specific information you want to show in the email. 




Article ID: 48268
Mon 2/12/18 11:19 AM
Thu 3/1/18 12:54 PM