Testing Frevvo Forms/Flows

Frevvo allows you to test your form/flow during the development process so you can see if they are behaving in the way that you want.  The testing feature is useful in testing rule behaviors, flow behaviors, how routing is working, etc. It is highly recommended that you test your form/flow often during the development process so that you can troubleshoot issues as they come, rather then testing it after developing everything and having to troubleshoot all the issues at once.  

  1. You can test your form right after you make changes by clicking a button during the form/flow designer process.  It combines the save and test feature into one step.  

    You can also test your form/flow from the main form/flow page by clicking on the test button under the desired form/flow.

  2. Once you have clicked test, you are then seeing what the user will see once the form is deployed.   

  3. While testing the form, if you are see an issue where the form is not behaving in the way it should (i.e. if a rule is not activating after it has been triggered), you can scroll down toward the bottom of the page to see the debug console.
    • The debug console can help in troubleshooting why the form isn't working the way it should. The debug console shows each rule that ran and if there was error during run time. Errors will appear in red bold letters.

**Sending a screenshot of your debug console can be useful for the Frevvo admins when they are troubleshooting your form/flow.


Article ID: 50219
Wed 3/14/18 3:09 PM
Thu 3/15/18 1:27 PM