Back Link

For multi-page forms, Frevvo does not have back button option available in their flows.  In order to go back to the previous page, you can either utilize the navigational toolbar during set up or create a back link in the form. The default settings for flows is to use the Navigation toolbar, if you want to check or change this setting open the flow that your form(s) are in. In the properties window in the left panel, find the Navigation control and select from the drop-down.  

**Tip: It's better to code the rules for the back links during the flow process

For forms that are longer than normal, the Navigation Toolbar may not work for you.  In this case, your other option is to create a back link for each step of the form. 


To create the back links:

  1. Move the forms into a flow and make sure the Navigation Toolbar is enabled.
  2. Save the flow and test the flow
  3. On the test window copy the link addresses for all the pages you want to create a back link to.
    1. Do this by right clicking on the page you want in the Navigation Toolbar
    2. Select "Copy link address" and paste it to a notepad, you only need the part of the link where it starts after 'ActivityTypeId=' and ends before '&embed' (it will look like a series of random letters and numbers)

  4. In the form, insert a Message Box the bottom of your form. This will be where the back link will appear
    1. Go to the message box properties in the left panel and change the "Message Type" to None.

  5. Now we have to code in the rule, your rule should look similar to this:
    if (form.load) {
      //grabs all the data about the flow from the user
      var baseUrl = _data.getParameter('_frevvo_base_url') +
        "frevvo/web/tn/" + _data.getParameter('') +
        "/user/" + _data.getParameter('') +
        "/app/" + _data.getParameter('') +
        "/flow/" + _data.getParameter('') +
                   //Grab from copy link address in flow 
      var Page_1 = "TXfaABsaEeivVf5X7ta8_Q";
      //creates a clickable hyperlink to the words "Go Back" in the msg box to take you back to previous page
      Links.value = "<strong><a href=" + baseUrl + Page_1 + "><span style=\"color:#FF0000;\">Go back</span></a></strong><br/>" + "<strong><a   href=";



Article ID: 50645
Tue 3/20/18 4:57 PM
Thu 4/12/18 11:36 AM