
Automatically Pull Current Date

date_ctrl.value = frevvo.currentDate();


Invalid if Before Today

// frevvo currentDate method gets today in users timezone

var today = frevvo.currentDate().split('-');
var today_date = new Date(today[0], today[1]-1, today[2]);
var bd = DOB.value.split('-');
var bd_date = new Date(bd[0],bd[1]-1,bd[2]);
if (bd_date > today_date) {
    // needs a Message control named MyMsg
    MyMsg.value = 'Birth Date must be earlier than today!!!!';  
    DOB.valid = false;
} else {
    MyMsg.value = 'This is a good Birth Date: ' + DOB.value;
    DOB.valid = true;


When you have a scenario when the date control is in a repeater:

var today = frevvo.currentDate().split('-');
var today_date = new Date(today[0], today[1] - 1, today[2]);

for(var i=0; i<Date_CTRL_Name.value.length; i++){
  var approve = Date_CTRL_Name[i].value.split('-');
  var approve_date = new Date(approve[0], approve[1] - 1, approve[2]);

  if (approve_date > today_date) {
    Date_CTRL_Name[i].valid = false;
  } else {
    Date_CTRL_Name[i].valid = true;

if(Repeater_Name.itemAdded){var x;}


Calculating specific number of days/months/years from specific date

var someDate = {CONTROL_DATE}.value;
var today = frevvo.currentDate();
var past = frevvo.addToDate(today, 'y', '-100'); //Calculates 100 years before today (if the current date is 04/12/2000, it gives 04/12/1900)
var future = frevvo.addToDate(someDate, 'm', '3'); //Calculates 3 months from someDate (if the date is a birthday on 04/12/2000, it gives 07/12/2000)
var tomorrow = frevvo.addToDate(today, 'd', '1'); //Calculates tomorrow from today (if the current date is 04/12/2000, it gives 04/13/2000)

// Setting the {CONTROL_DATE} to false if it is not in the past
// Also prints a message to user asking them to enter a valid date before today
if ( someDate >= today ) {
  {CONTROL_DATE}.valid = false;
  {CONTROL_DATE}.status = "Please enter a valid date before today's date.";
} else {
  {CONTROL_DATE}.valid = true;
  {CONTROL_DATE}.status = null;


Simple "Years in Past" calculations

if( YEAR.value.length > 0 ) {
  var today = new Date();
  var y = today.getFullYear();
  var yearsBack = 5; //Number of years in the past to allow
  if( y - yearsBack <= YEAR.value && YEAR.value <= y ) {
  } else {
    YEAR.status="Please specify a year from " + y - yearsBack + " to " + y;


Date Dropdown Control:  Range of 10 years from current year:

if(form.load) {

  var today = new Date();
  var year = today.getFullYear();
  var month = today.getMonth();

  var rangeOfYears = 10;

  var first = year -(rangeOfYears / 2);

  var years = [];

  for (var i=0; i < rangeOfYears; i++) {
    years[i] = (first + i).toString();
  Year.options = years;




Article ID: 51440
Tue 4/3/18 4:04 PM
Thu 4/12/18 11:35 AM