OneDrive error message when opening files
The following error message(s) appears when attempting to open a word document, Excel file or PowerPoint file saved on OneDrive. You may receive this error when trying to open from Microsoft Office or the file explorer.

When opening the File Explorer, "OneDrive - Florida Atlantic University" appears to have a red X over it. Documents also has a red X over, shown below:

These errors appear because the file path you are trying to open contains an invalid amount of characters. A file or folder cannot be more than 128 characters in total. The file and path of the file cannot exceed 260 characters. In order to resolve the error, you must rename the folder or file. To do rename, open File Explorer > locate where the file is saved > left-click once on the file/folder name > right click once > rename. Once you have entered the desired shortened name, hit the enter key. Try to open the desired file as you normally would.
If you have any difficulties or questions regarding this process, please contact the help desk at 561.297.3999 or submit a ticket here.