Matlab Network Licensed Install

Tags matlab

WARNING: This guide is not intended for students or individual installations of Matlab. Please refer to the MathWorks website here for installation instructions for students or individual systems.

Matlab Network Installation

To install Matlab on your Windows or Linux system, please use the following instructions.

  1. Create a file named network.lic containing the following contents and place it in the Matlab license directory: 
    1. SERVER 27000
  2. Download the Matlab installer for your platform from the MathWorks website: here
    1. You will need to login to your MathWorks account to access the page. If you have licensing issues, please email for assistance with the subject “Matlab License”.
    2. Download the version required by selecting it in the list on the right and clicking the blue button with the version name in the left panel.
    3. Choose the OS required and click the button to begin the download. If you have no internet access, please select the Get <version> ISO Image instead listed below the installer choices.