Research Computing

Information related to Research Computing

Categories (8)

Computing Cluster(s)

Documentation for Koko 3.0 and General purpose computing clusters

Academic Network and Bastion Hosts

How to use and


REDCap is a browser-based, metadata-driven EDC software and workflow methodology for designing clinical and translational research databases.


As part of the strategy to make Florida Atlantic University a top-tier research university, the Office of Information Technology (OIT) strives to provide the experience and technology to support cutting-edge education and innovative scientific research. FAU plans to enhance and build the IT infrastructure across numerous campuses in support of these goals.


The Biomedical Health Informatics Core provides an environment for HIPAA and IP-protected workflows. Researchers may utilize Compute Clusters, Virtual Desktops, Storage, and even imaging devices in this state-of-the-art solution.


FAU's Research Computing Team supports several clouds including a private cloud, Amazon, Microsoft Azure and Google Cloud Platform. Articles in this area were written to assist users in deploying applications on these cloud solutions.


Research related software installation instructions and setup

Artificial Intelligence

Information and how-to guides about Research Computing's Artificial Intelligence resources at Florida Atlantic

Articles (5)

Example Data Management Plans

Recommended guidance for data management plans

How to fix "Remote Host Identification has Changed" error

You may encounter a scary-looking warning from time to time if you use SSH to log into other systems. The warning itself is real: you should double-check to make sure that you're not connecting to an imposter/man-in-the-middle server. However, oftentimes within FAU, we'll upgrade computers, etc, causing the key for the computer to change, thus giving remote users the error. This article explains the steps to remove the warning for the known-"good" computer and establish a remote connection again

Research Computing Passwords

A tool to set your Research Computing password.

Research Computing Services

All Florida Atlantic University faculty, researchers, employees, and students may request access to the research computing resources using the following complimentary and paid research computing resources.