There are 4 ways to share a document: Anyone, People in Florida Atlantic University, People with existing access, and People you choose.
"People you choose" is the recommended way to share your files/folders.
To review the access, log in to
Click OneDrive
Click "Shared" and then "Shared by you"

Select a file and click the 3 dots for more options. Select "Manage access."

Anyone access - If you see a file with "Anyone with the link can view," we recommend to Stop Sharing and then use the "People you choose" option to share the file.

People in Florida Atlantic University access - If you see a file with "People in Florida Atlantic University," we recommend to Stop Sharing and then use the "People you choose" option to share the file.

People in Florida Atlantic University & Direct Access - In the scenario below, the file is shared two ways, "People in Florida Atlantic University" and direct access. Here we recommend to remove the People in Florida Atlantic University and keep the direct access, if the person still needs access. You can modify the current access by clicking the down pointing arrow to make any modifications.

People you choose access - If you have shared a file using the People you choose option, you will see their profile icon. You can click the downward point arrow to view/modify the permissions.