Requesting a UF Gator link account

Requesting a UF Gator link account.

  1. Request an FAU Research Computing (link)
  2. Request a UF account (Gator link) and enroll in 2FA  (link)
  3. Enter Rhian Resnick as the sponsor.
  4. Enter as the sponsor(s) email addresses.

Once you have been granted a UF Gator link account.

  1. Request a HiPerGator (HPC) account (link)
  2. Login with your new UF credentials and fill in the information requested.
  3. For the Faculty Sponsor you need to select “Rhian Resnick”.
  4. Once the HPC account is created you can login via ssh to This will allow you to transfer files, start jobs, etc…



Article ID: 146211
Fri 6/16/23 3:25 PM
Fri 6/16/23 3:25 PM