How to use Copilot

Tags copilot ai

Copilot gives FAU students, faculty, and staff access to a generative AI-powered platform with enterprise data protection. 

Important! You must be signed in with your Florida Atlantic University account to ensure that interactions with the AI-powered tool are in a protected environment. If you log in with a personal Microsoft account, you will be using the consumer version of Copilot and your data will not be protected. 

To ensure you are using the correct version you will see a Protected badge somewhere within the app or browser you are using:

Accessing Copilot through the website

  1. Navigate to the Copilot website
  2. Select Sign in from the top right hand corner
  3. Select “Sign in with your work or school account”  
    • If you are using a browser that you normally use, your credentials may already be saved, and you may be signed in directly upon selecting "Sign in with a work or school account". If so, skip steps 4 & 5.
  4. Enter your full FAU email then click Next 
  5. Login with your FAUNetID and password 

Accessing Copilot through the Microsoft Edge browser sidebar

  1. First, make sure you are logged into the Microsoft Edge browser using your FAUNetID and password. If you log in with a personal Microsoft account, you will be using the consumer version of Copilot and your data won't be protected.
  2. Click on the Copilot logo at the top right of the sidebar, which will open up a prompt window on the right. Make sure that you see the protected badge at the top of the window to confirm that you are using the enterprise version of Copilot.




Article ID: 150611
Thu 4/25/24 3:42 PM
Mon 4/29/24 12:39 PM