Adding Owl Mail on your Mobile Device with the Gmail App


Once the Gmail app is installed on your iPhone from the App store:

1) Select "sign in" at the bottom of the app

2) Add account: select Google and select continue

3) Sign in: use your full FAU email   (ie. and select next

4) Log in to Google applications: sign in with your FAU Net ID and password and select next

- The app will then ask for permission to send push notifications (such as new emails) to your device



1)Launch you gmail icon on your phone

2)Tap the 3 horizontal bars  at the top left of your screen

3)You will see your current gmail profile, tap the small down arrow to the right

4)Select 'Add Account'

5)Select 'Google'

6)Enter you FAU email address

7) It will then redirect you to our FAU single sign on where you will enter your FAU Net ID and Password


If you have any trouble with the instructions above and need additional assistance please submit a ticket here.

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