Mac-to-Mac Remote Desktop instructions (VNC Viewer)

Install VNC viewer on "at home" MAC here:

Once installed you must confirm that the MAC in your office has these setting enabled:

  1. Visit System Preferences
  2. Select Sharing
  3. ✓ Remote Login – Allow access for: All users



  1. ✓ Remote Management
  2. Once checked a box will automatically populate (image 3 below)
  3. All local users can access this computer to: Select all
  4. Allow access for: All users
  5. Must have the IP address from the desktop 



VNC Viewer Instructions:

  1.  Open VNC viewer application on "at home" Mac

  1. Enter the IP address from the desktop in the top URL (image below)
  2. Press Enter

  1. Enter your Mac Desktop Credentials
  2. Press OK