Share your calendar with others so they can view details about your schedule.
Share your calendar
1. Select Calendar > Share Calendar.

2. Choose a calendar to share.
3. Select Add, decide who to share your calendar with and search their email at the search and click the arrow, and select Add.
4. Select OK and you'll see the added people with a default permission level.
5. Choose a name, select the access level to give, and select OK.
Open a shared calendar
1. Open the email of the shared calendar and select Accept at the top of the email.
2. Select Calendar > Shared Calendars to view a shared calendar.
3. Choose a calendar to open.
4. Select View in Overlay Mode to layer the shared calendar over your own.
If you do not see the email granting access do the following:
1. Select Add Calendar > Open Shared Calendar.
2. Click Name and search the user who's calendar you are trying to access. then click OK.
(Only works if user has granted you permission)