Prior to migrating your files, you are encouraged to review your files to ensure they are still needed. These instructions only migrate files from your Google Drive- which do NOT include Google photos, sites, forms, slides, etc.
Please note that these instructions only transfer files in your Google Drive located in the "My Drive" section.

If you have files in the "Shared with Me" section that you would like to transfer, you will first need to save a copy in your own Google Drive before the migration below. Also note that any sharing permissions will not transfer and you will need to re-share files within OneDrive. Click here for instructions on how to share files in OneDrive.
Sign in to your Owl Apps account, click the Google apps icon in the upper-right corner, and then choose Drive.
In Drive, select all of your documents, right-click, and choose Download.
After your files have been compressed into a downloadable .zip file, choose Save as at the bottom of your screen, and save the .zip file to your desktop.
If you are not already signed into OneDrive on your desktop, follow the steps here.
- Once you are signed into OneDrive choose Open folder by right-clicking on the OneDrive icon in the bottom right system tray.

From your desktop, open the .zip file that you downloaded earlier from Google Drive, select all of the files, and drag them to your OneDrive folder.
The files will start uploading and syncing to OneDrive for Business, as indicated by green check marks.
After the transfer is complete and you have confirmed its success in OneDrive, return to your Google drive to remove and delete the files to ensure you are under the 5GB quota.
If you have any questions or need further assistance please submit a ticket here.