Accessing Builder Servers in Visual Studio Code

Research Computing offers several build servers designed to allow students and researchers access to Linux compile and build processes. 

Users with a Research Computing account my utilize Linux build servers via Visual Studio Code or the terminal. 

Getting started..

  1. Request an HPC User account by visiting the request page. 
  2. Set your password by visiting the account management ui.
  3. Download and install Visual Studio Code
  4. Open a CMD prompt or terminal
    1. SSH to
      1. Example: ssh
    2. Copy you public ssh key to ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
      1. Example:
      2. # Create an SSH key, if need
        ssh-keygen and press twice (if you have a key it will warn you press control + c to stop)
        Execute cat ~/.ssh/
        And copy the results to your nano ~/.ssh/authorized_keys​​​​​​​
        # Copy ssh key to
        cd .ssh
        nano authorized_keys
        (Paste in your public key)
        Save and Exit
        chmod 700 ~/.ssh
        chmod 600 ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
  5. Following Visual Studio Code remote development using SSH guide to configure the current version of Visual Studio Code


This process has been confirmed on Windows, Linux and Mac.

Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)


To better understand this service being used with Private Cloud Housing, click here



Short instructions for creating an SSH key on Windows or Mac

ssh-keygen​​​​​​​ and press twice (if you have a key it will warn you press control + c to stop)
Execute cat ~/.ssh/
And copy the results to your nano ~/.ssh/authorized_keys