KoKo 3.0 (koko-login.hpc.fau.edu)
Several versions of Matlab are available on Koko. To check which versions are available, please use the command ‘module avail matlab’ in a terminal on Koko. To use Matlab, please use the following commands:
- If you wish to use X11 via RDP or Koko-Rdp.hpc.fau.edu execute the following command one time, this is needed due to a Slurm bug. It will be fixed in the next release per Slurm.
- Due to the above bug you must execute this command before executing srun, we will update documents when this is no longer required.
ssh localhost -Y
- Load the matlab module, example:
module load matlab-R2019b-gcc-8.3.0-srkjgbh
- Start matlab:
srun -N1 -p shortq7 --x11 --pty matlab -desktop
When finished, please close Matlab to release resources for other users to access.
KoKo 1.0 (koko-login.fau.edu)
Several versions of Matlab are available on Koko. To check which versions are available, please use the command ‘module avail matlab’ in a terminal on Koko. To use Matlab, please use the following commands:
- module load matlab/<version number>
srun -N1 -p <partition> --x11 --pty matlab -desktop
When finished, please close Matlab to release resources for other users to access.