Create a script named {JOBNAME}.sh to start your job containing the following: #!/bin/sh #SBATCH – – partition=shortq7 #SBATCH -N 1 #SBATCH – -exclusive #SBATCH – – mem-per-cpu=16000 # Load modules, if needed, run staging tasks, etc… # Execute the task srun hostname
sbatch {JOBNAME}.sh
[user@koko-login2 ~]$ sinfo PARTITION AVAIL TIMELIMIT NODES STATE NODELIST shortq7* up 2:00:00 2 down* node[001,056] shortq7* up 2:00:00 3 mix node[009,030-031] shortq7* up 2:00:00 37 alloc node[002-006,008,011-014,019-020,051,054,057-058,062-065,067-081,083-084] shortq7* up 2:00:00 30 idle gpu-exxact[1-5],gpu-k80,node[007,010,027-029,032,052-053,059-061,082,087-098] longq7 up 7-12:00:00 2 down* node[001,056] longq7 up 7-12:00:00 1 mix node009 longq7 up 7-12:00:00 37 alloc node[002-006,008,011-014,019-020,051,054,057-058,062-065,067-081,083-084] longq7 up 7-12:00:00 6 idle node[007,010,059-061,082]
[user@koko-login2 ~]$ squeue JOBID PARTITION NAME USER ST TIME NODES NODELIST(REASON) 2552838 longq7 MS1b_m14 usera PD 0:00 1 (Dependency) 2553360 longq7 TS_71-72 userb PD 0:00 2 (Resources) 2553425 longq7 TS_69-70 userb PD 0:00 2 (Resources) 2552836 longq7 MS1b_m14 userc R 4-12:08:47 1 node002 2552837 longq7 MS1b_m14 userc R 5-17:38:36 1 node063 2553116 longq7 Homoseri userd R 7-03:41:54 1 node078 2553117 longq7 Homoseri userd R 7-02:29:54 1 node071 2553157 longq7 HGE_V1_1 usere R 6-07:50:41 1 node003 2553288 longq7 Cys_Ket_ userf R 4-21:02:05 1 node004 ...
For more information regarding SLURM see the manuals and their quick start guide.