Single Sign-On - Stale Request


When attempting to access an FAU resource such Zoom, Canvas, or Mediasite you may receive a "Single Sign-On - Stale Request" error


This may be an issue with your browser settings or the link itself.  Try the solution below.  If that fails to solve the issue then contact your instructor


To check your own browser please follow the steps below.  Also some users have reported better success with Firefox.

*It is important that you fully complete each step in order to correct the issue

  1. Try clearing cache and cookies
  2. Ensure that cookies are allowed in the browser
  3. You may wish to reset your browser
    1. Chrome - Reset Chrome settings to default - Google Chrome Help
    2. Firefox - Refresh Firefox - reset add-ons and settings | Firefox Help (
  4. Close all tabs or browser windows that have failed or not logged into the systems
  5. Verify that antivirus is not filtering or blocking the website,
  6. Try a different browser
  7. Remember to not use the back button when attempting to log in

Network issues can cause a stale request error message, especially if the request is sent through a public network

  • If you are travelling, using a hotel wifi, or a hotspot, the network may be unstable.
  • Try signing into a VPN
  • Because this is an issue with the hardware/network between the University and you, there may be little that can be done to resolve the issue.

If this does not correct the issue contact your instructor and ask them to verify the link works from Canvas.

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Article ID: 133474
Tue 6/1/21 8:46 AM
Mon 6/7/21 4:59 PM