Interactive Fluent

How to run Fluent interactively

There are multiple ways of running Fluent interactively, including OnDemand and SSH

For OnDemand (   
There are two ways to use Fluent through ondemand:
1: Desktop Session:

  1. Sign in 
  2. Select the tab “Interactive Apps”, then “KoKo 3 desktop”
  3. Enter your parameters and click launch
  4. Once a node is allocated launch koko 3 desktop
  5. Open a terminal and type: module load ansys/2019R3_Fluent
  6. Type: runwb2

2: Interactive App:

  1. Sign in 
  2. Select the tab “Interactive Apps”, then "ANSYS Workbench"
  3. Change the version to 2019R3 Fluent
  4. Enter your parameters and click launch
  5. Once a node is allocated launch ANSYS Workbench 

For SSH:

type the following commands: 

  1. ssh -X (you will have to change netid to your fau netid)
  2. type: ssh localhost -Y
  3. type: salloc -c 64 -p longq7 –x11 –exclusive
    # 64 cpu cores for 7 days with x11 and make sure I am the only one on the node
    Notice the output
    salloc:Granted job allocation ###### (some job id)
    salloc:Waiting for resource configuration
    salloc: Nodes nodeamd009 (note this name, yours maybe different) some node name are ready for the job
  4. ssh -X nodeamd009 (use your node name seen in the output )
  5. module load ansys/2019R3_Fluent
  6. Type: runwb2
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Article ID: 141489
Tue 8/30/22 8:47 AM
Wed 5/3/23 3:59 PM