Application Support

Use this ticket to report any production issue on Applications listed in the ticket.  Not sure if you are reporting the issue in the right place? Just select "Other" if you don't see the system or application you are looking for in the selection list.  Please read below for hints on how best to report issues. 

Include the following to help issue resolution. 

Brief Description:

  • A helpful brief description is descriptive such as "Residency app changes don't take affect" or "Change of major presents an error upon submission." 

Summary of request:
Include information such as: 

  • Last action taken: share the last few steps taken in the app if you can. 'I entered the date and hit submit and then received the attached error'. 
  • URL of error and/or page before the error: This can help us pinpoint issues faster. 
  • Repeatability: Any information on how the problem can be repeated upon demand or if there is any pattern noticed can be very helpful.  "It seems to happen only with records that have the data with the *** field empty have the issue' Or, 'it only seems to happen at the end of the day.' 
  • Problem first seen: Sharing when the problem was first seen can help narrow down if a change caused it. 
  • Seen by others:  Knowing if the problem is observed by others with their own accounts from their machines, or not, is valuable in reducing potential causes. 
  • Browser and platform used:  Occasionally issues are browser or platform dependent so sharing browser and OS used can help eliminate some possibilities. 
  • Screen shots:  Most valuable are screen shots of errors whether they are descriptive or not. Including the URL is helpful too.
Submit a request


Service ID: 49976
Thu 6/10/21 3:36 PM
Wed 8/21/24 9:21 AM