Assessment Database, OwlDone Feature requests, Single Sign On (SSO) requests, Onbase Access and Forms, Auto Advisor Assignments, Mobile and Portal support, and Frevvo form requests

Categories (2)

Frevvo Forms

The Office of Information Technology offers the Frevvo form service to select users at the University. Once trained you may use Frevvo to create and mange forms that collect information, generate PDF's and much more.

All users may use public and internal forms however form designing is restricted to approved users who have attended Frevvo Live form Training.

Single Sign On (SSO)

Single Sign On (SSO) requests for new services or reporting issues/errors

Services (7)

Application Support

Use this ticket to report any production issue on applications such as: Banner mods or integrations, Change of Major, EZAdvising, eGrades, Electronic Thesis/Dissertation, Employee Service Awards, Exit I (admits), Exit II (matriculated), FAU Directory, FAU Guest Wireless, Grade Manager, Graduation Rates, Network Registration, OwlDone, Owlfiles, Residency (Undergrad or Non Degree), SACS/Wizard, Software Licensing Portal, Tech Fee, TutorTrac, Undergraduate Admissions Application, Xitracs

Application Support - FAU Alert Phone Removal (NON-FAU Entity)

NON-FAU Students, Faculty and Staff can use this form to remove their phone number from the FAU Alert system.

Auto Advisor Assignments

Request assistance with auto advisor assignments

Bizlibrary Requests

Bizlibrary Requests

OnBase Access Request

OnBase Access Request

Onbase Support

Assistance with OnBase access, forms, and workflows.

Onbase Workflow Access Request

Onbase Workflow Access Request