Popular Services

Report issues with MyFAU and/or Self-Service

EH&S Training requests

Submit a Property Management Ticket

Access Issues/Role Assignment Requests

This is used to create courtesy accounts for non-FAU users

To request access to Banner Student and/or Banner E-Print submit a request

This is used to request updates to departmental accounts for FAU departments.

Request VPN Access for Remote Desktop

Request and/or change firewall rules.

Creative Services Work Order Requests

Request support or report issues with CMS pages.

This general service will allow you to submit a request to Workday Operations for the areas of Procure to Pay, Budgets, Financials, Grants, HCM, Payroll, etc.

Use this ticket to report any production issue on applications such as: Banner mods or integrations, Change of Major, EZAdvising, eGrades, Electronic Thesis/Dissertation, Employee Service Awards, Exit I (admits), Exit II (matriculated), FAU Directory, FAU Guest Wireless, Grade Manager, Graduation Rates, Network Registration, OwlDone, Owlfiles, Residency (Undergrad or Non Degree), SACS/Wizard, Software Licensing Portal, Tech Fee, TutorTrac, Undergraduate Admissions Application, Xitracs

Success Network Support (EAB Navigate)

A departmental account is created upon request from the department and is accessed via the personal account in Outloook or Outlook Web Access.

Request access to a Shared network drive (ANDI) and/or other special access.

Only for TDX Technician users: Use this form if you would like to request changes in TeamDynamix that requires admin access, such as adding or removing users from a group, adding new or modifying existing services, creating new or modifying existing tasks or response templates, request forms, or groups.

Submit a request for assistance with Multi-factor authentication- Enrolling in MFA, registering a device, re-syncing a token, activating a new phone, etc

Learn how to reach Canvas support or request additional help from Instructional Technologies staff.

Request a new (or used) computer to be setup or reconfigured for another employee or user.