Application Support - FAU Alert Phone Removal (NON-FAU Entity)


NON-FAU Students, Faculty and Staff, please submit this service request by clicking on the "Remove Phone Number" button, to remove your phone number from the FAU Alert system. 

If you are a current Student do not submit this form, you can remove your information by following these instructions below:

  1. Log into MyFAU at,
  2. Click successively on "FAU Self-Service (OWLS)"
  3. Click"Personal Information"
  4. Select"Update FAU Alert Telephone Numbers" and follow the instructions. 

Do not forget to click "Submit" to save your changes.

If you are a current Faculty or Staff member do not submit this form, you can remove your information by following these instructions below:

  1. Log into Workday at
  2. Click "Personal Information"
  3. At the bottom of the screen under "External Links", select "FAU Alert System"
  4. Lastly, select "Option 2"  and follow the instructions. 

Do not forget to click "Submit" to save your changes.


Remove Phone Number


Service ID: 51545
Fri 7/1/22 3:50 PM
Fri 7/1/22 4:02 PM